March 20–22, 2024 | 2:00pm–6:00pm (PDT)
This online certificate program offering interactive training that advances application of the “coaching the person” paradigm and the utilization the IDEA Coaching Pathway, as well as the 3 LB personal development processes.
8-hours of prerequisite online learning sessions featuring the Leader Breakthru’s Focused Living personal development processes (included with registration) that must be watched/completed before attending the live online training sessions.
12 hours over the course of three, live, online training sessions (4 hrs. each) focused on learning and practice conducting coaching the personal development of the others.
Session One — March 20 | 2:00pm–6:00pm (PDT)
Session Two — March 21 | 2:00pm–6:00pm (PDT)
Session Three — March 22 | 2:00pm–6:00pm (PDT)
Online via Zoom
Registration closes March 15
(Limited to 12 participants.)
IMPORTANT: Completion of Level Two (Coaching the Person) is a prerequisite for this event.
After completing registration, registrants will be given access to the training syllabus which includes important information and links to the online training page.